The software:

In the 2000’s we learned about SEO, blogging and content Marketing.
In the 2010′ we understood the power of Inbound and learned how every company was going to become a media company and content producer.
In the 2020’s we’re grasping how every person is now a content producer, and we, marketers, need to listen to, record, process and extract meaning from all that data people generate.

We cannot not just be content producers anymore, we now are becoming niche data capture, data warehousing, and AI data processing powerhouses.

While we are not there yet, that is the aim and the roadmap for our software, your software.

In the mean time, let’s focus on what we currently provide…

Easy to onboard your new clients.

We trey our best to make deployment and on-boarding of your new customers a breeze.
With a simple 3 step deployment and on-boarding process.

Complete Control, full ownership.

You control your data, no third-party services charging you to access your own information and keeping track of your data. Your contacts are your contacts alone. This is clearly reflected on our contracts and SLAs.

Integrated Solutions

Open source allows for unlimited integrations and customizations. Mautic integrates with dozens of solutions and can be easily extended via a powerful API.

Sounds great, but what does Mautic do?

contact nurturing
Contact tracking
Contact scoring
Marketing campaigns / flows / funnels / to define, manage and automate all your marketing processes, internal or external.
Data ingestion API, webhooks, etl and elt
Data capture, web monitoring and analytics, event capture, event capture, landing pages and forms.
Integration: CRM, anything really…
Communications, both internal and external, with email, sms, web push notifications, social media, …

The data journey (Getting to know your customer):
Imagine a new visitor comes to your website, thanks to your content, SEO, ads, etc…
Initially, they are an IP address, maybe a cookie, and if you are lucky some UTM tags.
They are what we denominate an annonimous user, an ID, a bunch of behavioral data, but no name, no email, no phone.
browse pages on your website, eventually landing on a special page with a call-to-action form. This form collects a few bits of information (e.g. name and email address). Now this visitor is now a known visitor. You may have a contact segment setup to capture these visitors and add them to a specific campaign. These campaigns will send emails, post to social media, and other actions based on either specific times or user interaction. Think of it like a decision tree. If the user opens the email, do this, otherwise do that. These campaigns can span hours, days, weeks, or even months!

Now are you starting to see what’s happening? This known visitor is gradually becoming a contact. As this contact completes various actions, you give them points. These points help you to weight your contacts and see which ones are hot. Once a contact earns a certain amount of points they are automatically moved into your CRM or other system. Now you have a list of contacts you can confidently know are ready to be directly contacted.

That’s marketing automation. It’s simple. It’s easy. It’s automatic.

Mautic Features in Detail


manage leads

Contact Nurturing & Tracking

Mautic provides in-depth and detailed contact tracking along with powerful contact nurturing tools to provide businesses with the tools needed to organize their marketing campaigns. Contact tracking provides page views, time spent on site, and specific interests.

Mautic takes contact nurturing one step further by allowing businesses to create any type of additional custom fields for a contact. Using deeply integrated API’s it is possible to tie your CRM fields direct to your contact fields.

Campaign Marketing & Dripflow Programs

Campaigns and drip programs are critical to any good marketing automation program. Mautic comes with flexible, easy-to-use campaign management and drip program creation. Create a campaign and define actions and events which contacts will follow. Automate the process of connecting with contacts and nurturing them along the sales funnel.

Mautic lets businesses define multiple outcome processes and set both date triggered actions as well as activity triggered actions.


drip campaign marketing overview


social media marketing overview

Social Media Integrations

Social media networks provide fantastic opportunities to connect with contacts and potential customers. Businesses who recognize the importance of social media and how to use these networks to form relationships will find Mautic’s integrations top of the line. In addition, Mautic allows developers to add any additional networks they choose.

Any social network with an API can be integrated into Mautic quickly and easily. Businesses love Mautic’s social integrations.

Landing Pages and Assets

Marketing automation uses landing pages to help capture key information from site visitors. Mautic lets businesses create stunning and unique landing pages easily through the integrated page builder. These landing pages provide key information to help monitor site traffic and also allows download monitoring for asset management.

All of these resources working together create a personal profile on each site visitor tailored to their interests and needs and provide businesses with relevant information for building a strong profile.


marketing landing pages

What Makes Mautic Different?


marketing software beautiful interface

Beautiful Interface

Mautic is intuitive and incredibly easy-to-use.


download free marketing software

Self-Hosted or SaaS

Host your own Mautic or get free hosting.


open source marketing

Open Source & Custom

Mautic is GPL and fully customizable.


marketing integrations

Integrate with Everything

Mautic integrates with hundreds of solutions.

Create Stunning Landing Pages


Mautic is an open-source marketing automation platform (MAP) which is free and far more flexible than proprietary MAPs such as HubSpot, Pardot and Marketo. But first, we wanted to explain “what is marketing automation” to the uninitiated.


Inbound Marketing Funnel - Acquire, Nurture, Close

Marketing automation tools extend your website, enabling you to drive traffic, capture visitors’ emails and nurture their interest until they become sales-ready leads. Marketing automation helps you coordinate marketing tactics such as email, paid advertising and webinars, in addition to facilitating your content marketing strategy.

The objective of content marketing is to educate buyers and gauge how strongly they intend to purchase your products or services. With marketing automation features like scoring and progressive profiling, you can easily target the right content, to the right lead, at the right time.

Compared to Google Analytics that only provides aggregate data, marketing automation gives you visitor-level data including what pages a user visited, what emails they opened, clicked and what content they downloaded. You can then assign point values to each of these actions, and place leads into segments based on which content they interacted with.

New to marketing automation? Get started with Mautic.



Easy-to-use interface. Mautic is marketing automation your team will enjoy using.


Free up your budget to produce better marketing campaigns with greater agility.


Download themes, plugins and integrations or roll your own with the Mautic API.


Mautic Marketing Consultant

Mautic is best compared to WordPress, the open-source CMS that powers everything from personal blogs to the world’s largest websites. With, you host your blog on Automattic’s servers (hosted), or you can download WordPress from and install it on your own server (self-hosted).

Likewise, Mautic is a free and open-source marketing automation platform with hosted and self-hosted options. Either way, there is no monthly fee for the software beyond what you pay for hosting.

In fact, you can use Mautic in conjunction with WordPress for open-source marketing automation that sits on top of an open-source CMS. We are experts at integrating Mautic with WordPress, or any other CMS you may have for your corporate website. Contact us for a complete marketing website solution.

Mautic Reseller Program

Resell Mautic with the only Mautic Maestro alternative that provides you with a private Mautic cluster – hosted on any cloud.


In the past, content management systems were primarily adopted by large enterprises and government due to their cost. Similarly, marketing automation platforms are used by less than 10% of businesses with under $500M in revenue (Raab Associates). The average plan with HubSpot, Pardot or Marketo costs $2000 – $4000/month. Even the standard plan with HubSpot costs $800/month with additional onboarding fees. If you store above 1,000 contacts, you also need to pay a monthly per-contact fee.

A robust marketing database can easily reach tens, or even hundreds of thousands of contacts. Why should you pay to reach your own leads? Besides, going with a SaaS provider leaves your data at the mercy of a third-party provider. Marketing automation is a significant investment with high switching costs. It isn’t always easy to export your lists, not to mention your forms, email templates and landing pages. That’s why we want to help you make the right decision for your business.

Considering a switch from another marketing automation platform? Contact us for more information.

Compare Marketing Automation

Monthly Software Cost for 1,000 Contacts
  • HubSpot: $800/month + $3,000 one-time
  • Salesforce Pardot: $1,000/month
  • Marketo: $1,995/month
  • Mautic: $0/month


Hosted Mautic (Cloud): Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model like HubSpot, Pardot and Marketo. Pay a subscription fee based on the number of users and/or contacts stored. The service provider updates, secures and supports your instance of Mautic.

Self-Hosted Mautic: Host your own installation of Mautic on shared hosting, VPS, dedicated or a physical, on-premise server. You are responsible for updating, securing and troubleshooting your instance of Mautic.

Whether hosted or self-hosted Mautic is better for you depends on your business requirements. If you have limited IT capabilities, a hosted Mautic service can provide simplicity and peace-of-mind. Self-hosted Mautic is fully customizable, from where you want to store your data to what plug-ins you want to implement on your site. Contact us to discuss your options.


Mautic Integrations

Chances are, your organization is already using a CRM or email marketing platform. Mautic supports over 20 integrations, letting you connect your marketing automation to tools you know and love, many which are free and open-source (FOSS).

Mautic has robust CRM and email capabilities built-in, yet integrates strongly with third-party solutions. With Mautic’s CRM integrations, you can set up automation triggers (e.g. form completed, points threshold) that sync sales-ready leads over to your CRM.

The email integrations let you a) set an external SMTP server to deliver Mautic emails or b) push Mautic contacts to a list on a standalone email platform.

Mautic integrations include:

  • CMS: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Typo3, Concrete5
  • CRM: Salesforce, SugarCRM, vTiger, HubSpot, Zoho CRM
  • Email: Mandrill, SendGrid, Amazon SES, MailChimp, iContact
  • Social: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+

For more details what each Mautic integration can do, contact a Mautic consultant.


A/B Tests
Automated Drip Marketing
Email Marketing
CRM Integration
Event Management
Landing Page & Form Creator
Contact Analysis
Contact Management
Contact Scoring
List Management
Smart Contact Capture Forms
Social Media Integration
Web Activity Monitoring
CMS Integration
Multiple Email Service Providers
eCommerce Integration
Self-Hosted Landing Pages
Self-Hosted Software
Price Range$0$895/month – $3,295+/month$199/month – $379/month$200/month – $2,400+/Mautic is an open-source marketing automation platform (MAP) which is free and far more flexible than proprietary MAPs such as HubSpot, Pardot and Marketo. But first, we wanted to explain “what is marketing automation” to the uninitiated.
Inbound Marketing Funnel - Acquire, Nurture, CloseMarketing automation tools extend your website, enabling you to drive traffic, capture visitors’ emails and nurture their interest until they become sales-ready leads. Marketing automation helps you coordinate marketing tactics such as email, paid advertising and webinars, in addition to facilitating your content marketing strategy.
The objective of content marketing is to educate buyers and gauge how strongly they intend to purchase your products or services. With marketing automation features like scoring and progressive profiling, you can easily target the right content, to the right lead, at the right time.
Compared to Google Analytics that only provides aggregate data, marketing automation gives you visitor-level data including what pages a user visited, what emails they opened, clicked and what content they downloaded. You can then assign point values to each of these actions, and place leads into segments based on which content they interacted with.
New to marketing automation? Get started with Mautic.


Easy-to-use interface. Mautic is marketing automation your team will enjoy using.

Free up your budget to produce better marketing campaigns with greater agility.

Download themes, plugins and integrations or roll your own with the Mautic API.


Mautic is best compared to WordPress, the open-source CMS that powers everything from personal blogs to the world’s largest websites. With, you host your blog on Automattic’s servers (hosted), or you can download WordPress from and install it on your own server (self-hosted).
Likewise, Mautic is a free and open-source marketing automation platform with hosted and self-hosted options. Either way, there is no monthly fee for the software beyond what you pay for hosting.
In fact, you can use Mautic in conjunction with WordPress for open-source marketing automation that sits on top of an open-source CMS. We are experts at integrating Mautic with WordPress, or any other CMS you may have for your corporate website. Contact us for a complete marketing website solution.

Mautic Reseller ProgramResell Mautic with the only Mautic Maestro alternative that provides you with a private Mautic cluster – hosted on any cloud.


In the past, content management systems were primarily adopted by large enterprises and government due to their cost. Similarly, marketing automation platforms are used by less than 10% of businesses with under $500M in revenue (Raab Associates). The average plan with HubSpot, Pardot or Marketo costs $2000 – $4000/month. Even the standard plan with HubSpot costs $800/month with additional onboarding fees. If you store above 1,000 contacts, you also need to pay a monthly per-contact fee.
A robust marketing database can easily reach tens, or even hundreds of thousands of contacts. Why should you pay to reach your own leads? Besides, going with a SaaS provider leaves your data at the mercy of a third-party provider. Marketing automation is a significant investment with high switching costs. It isn’t always easy to export your lists, not to mention your forms, email templates and landing pages. That’s why we want to help you make the right decision for your business.
Considering a switch from another marketing automation platform? Contact us for more information.
Compare Marketing Automation
Monthly Software Cost for 1,000 Contacts

HubSpot: $800/month + $3,000 one-time
Salesforce Pardot: $1,000/month
Marketo: $1,995/month
Mautic: $0/month

Hosted Mautic (Cloud): Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model like HubSpot, Pardot and Marketo. Pay a subscription fee based on the number of users and/or contacts stored. The service provider updates, secures and supports your instance of Mautic.
Self-Hosted Mautic: Host your own installation of Mautic on shared hosting, VPS, dedicated or a physical, on-premise server. You are responsible for updating, securing and troubleshooting your instance of Mautic.
Whether hosted or self-hosted Mautic is better for you depends on your business requirements. If you have limited IT capabilities, a hosted Mautic service can provide simplicity and peace-of-mind. Self-hosted Mautic is fully customizable, from where you want to store your data to what plug-ins you want to implement on your site. Contact us to discuss your options.

Chances are, your organization is already using a CRM or email marketing platform. Mautic supports over 20 integrations, letting you connect your marketing automation to tools you know and love, many which are free and open-source (FOSS).
Mautic has robust CRM and email capabilities built-in, yet integrates strongly with third-party solutions. With Mautic’s CRM integrations, you can set up automation triggers (e.g. form completed, points threshold) that sync sales-ready leads over to your CRM.
The email integrations let you a) set an external SMTP server to deliver Mautic emails or b) push Mautic contacts to a list on a standalone email platform.
Mautic integrations include:
CMS: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Typo3, Concrete5
CRM: Salesforce, SugarCRM, vTiger, HubSpot, Zoho CRM
Email: Mandrill, SendGrid, Amazon SES, MailChimp, iContact
Social: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+
For more details what each Mautic integration can do, contact a Mautic consultant.


A/B Tests

Automated Drip Marketing

Email Marketing

CRM Integration

Event Management

Landing Page & Form Creator

Contact Analysis

Contact Management

Contact Scoring

List Management

Smart Contact Capture Forms

Social Media Integration

Web Activity Monitoring

CMS Integration

Multiple Email Service Providers

eCommerce Integration

Self-Hosted Landing Pages

Self-Hosted Software

Price Range
$895/month – $3,295+/month
$199/month – $379/month
$200/month – $2,400+/month
$1,000/month – $3,000+/month
$2,000/month – $3,000+/month
Setup & Training Fees
$500 – $2,000
Limiting Factor
Number of Contacts
Number of Contacts
Number of Contacts
Number of Contacts
Number of Contacts
$1,000/month – $3,000+/month$2,000/month – $3,000+/month
Setup & Training Fees$0$0$2,000$500 – $2,000$0$2,500
Limiting FactorNoneNumber of ContactsNumber of ContactsNumber of ContactsNumber of ContactsNumber of Contacts


Some Technical Mautic Features


Mautic lets you create, design, and distribute unique themes for landing pages and emails.


Share or sell your add-ons, themes, and workflows through the Mautic Marketplace.


Contribute to the Mautic core. Become a part of the best open source community.


Create new integrations easily between Mautic and other software tools with Mautic Developer API.

Managing Your First Campaign

Your first campaign is an exciting opportunity to put all the pieces into place and begin automating your marketing. Remember automated campaigns are still personal campaigns.


marketing dripflow campaign step one

Step 1. Create a Campaign

The first step in creating your campaign is identifying the purpose and goal you want to accomplish. Maybe it’s introducing your leads to a new product, or simply keeping in touch through a weekly newsletter.


marketing dripflow campaigns step two

Step 2. Target A Contact Segment

Once you decide the purpose of your campaign and the goals to accomplish the next step is to select the segment of contacts you want to target with this campaign. New contacts can be added a list at any point in time.


marketing drip campaign steps

Step 3. Identify Your Actions

One of the key parts of your campaign is to identify and create the actions you want to take during the campaign. These might include sending an email, posting to social media, or adding points to a lead based on decisions they make.


dripflow marketing campaigns

Step 4. Define Your Outcomes

Outcomes are the results of decisions made by your contacts targeted by the campaign along with any outcomes you manually define. Outcomes include moving a contact to a new segment, passing that contact to an integration, or creating another follow-up with that contact.

A Beautiful & Powerful User Interface


mautic marketing automation software

The menu on the left allows you to get where you’re going quickly. You can easily import contacts from other systems. Notice the color bar across the top of the leads, this helps you quickly identify a contact stage. You can also view contacts as cards or as a table. And everything happens with AJAX so it feels like a native application. One screenshot could never give you the complete picture of all that Mautic can do. If you’re ready to see more of the incredible user interface that makes Mautic such an intuitive and user-friendly platform then simply download the latest or setup a free hosted account. Maybe you need more information but you don’t have to take our word for it. Here’s a few testimonials from our outstanding community. We’re not picking just the best either! Come join the discussion in our Slack chat and talk to other people for yourself!

“I threw myself deep into it over the weekend and integrated it across everything we have and then started going crazy and coming up with some cool ways we could integrate it into other things. I love the thing.”

– Peter

“First off, I want to congratulate the Mautic team on this platform and the concept behind it. Simply incredible. For some time, I’ve wanted to figure out a way to leverage my advertising and digital marketing experience to help truly small business overcome the challenges of modern marketing. Mautic is going to fill a huge void.”

– Camilo

“I’ve been looking at Hubspot and Marketo in recent weeks, but after finding Mautic I’ve decided to go with it and have recommended it to our marketing department and GM. It is seriously good and I hope it continues to “kick ass”.”

– Trevor

“As an organization I believe your initiative is awesome, you are giving a huge value in a field that is currently growing and is also dominated by SaaS”

– Alvin

Mautic is an open-source marketing automation platform (MAP) which is free and far more flexible than proprietary MAPs such as HubSpot, Pardot and Marketo. But first, we wanted to explain “what is marketing automation” to the uninitiated.


Inbound Marketing Funnel - Acquire, Nurture, Close

Marketing automation tools extend your website, enabling you to drive traffic, capture visitors’ emails and nurture their interest until they become sales-ready leads. Marketing automation helps you coordinate marketing tactics such as email, paid advertising and webinars, in addition to facilitating your content marketing strategy.

The objective of content marketing is to educate buyers and gauge how strongly they intend to purchase your products or services. With marketing automation features like scoring and progressive profiling, you can easily target the right content, to the right lead, at the right time.

Compared to Google Analytics that only provides aggregate data, marketing automation gives you visitor-level data including what pages a user visited, what emails they opened, clicked and what content they downloaded. You can then assign point values to each of these actions, and place leads into segments based on which content they interacted with.

New to marketing automation? Get started with Mautic.



Easy-to-use interface. Mautic is marketing automation your team will enjoy using.


Free up your budget to produce better marketing campaigns with greater agility.


Download themes, plugins and integrations or roll your own with the Mautic API.


Mautic Marketing Consultant

Mautic is best compared to WordPress, the open-source CMS that powers everything from personal blogs to the world’s largest websites. With, you host your blog on Automattic’s servers (hosted), or you can download WordPress from and install it on your own server (self-hosted).

Likewise, Mautic is a free and open-source marketing automation platform with hosted and self-hosted options. Either way, there is no monthly fee for the software beyond what you pay for hosting.

In fact, you can use Mautic in conjunction with WordPress for open-source marketing automation that sits on top of an open-source CMS. We are experts at integrating Mautic with WordPress, or any other CMS you may have for your corporate website. Contact us for a complete marketing website solution.

Mautic Reseller Program

Resell Mautic with the only Mautic Maestro alternative that provides you with a private Mautic cluster – hosted on any cloud.


In the past, content management systems were primarily adopted by large enterprises and government due to their cost. Similarly, marketing automation platforms are used by less than 10% of businesses with under $500M in revenue (Raab Associates). The average plan with HubSpot, Pardot or Marketo costs $2000 – $4000/month. Even the standard plan with HubSpot costs $800/month with additional onboarding fees. If you store above 1,000 contacts, you also need to pay a monthly per-contact fee.

A robust marketing database can easily reach tens, or even hundreds of thousands of contacts. Why should you pay to reach your own leads? Besides, going with a SaaS provider leaves your data at the mercy of a third-party provider. Marketing automation is a significant investment with high switching costs. It isn’t always easy to export your lists, not to mention your forms, email templates and landing pages. That’s why we want to help you make the right decision for your business.

Considering a switch from another marketing automation platform? Contact us for more information.

Compare Marketing Automation

Monthly Software Cost for 1,000 Contacts
  • HubSpot: $800/month + $3,000 one-time
  • Salesforce Pardot: $1,000/month
  • Marketo: $1,995/month
  • Mautic: $0/month


Hosted Mautic (Cloud): Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model like HubSpot, Pardot and Marketo. Pay a subscription fee based on the number of users and/or contacts stored. The service provider updates, secures and supports your instance of Mautic.

Self-Hosted Mautic: Host your own installation of Mautic on shared hosting, VPS, dedicated or a physical, on-premise server. You are responsible for updating, securing and troubleshooting your instance of Mautic.

Whether hosted or self-hosted Mautic is better for you depends on your business requirements. If you have limited IT capabilities, a hosted Mautic service can provide simplicity and peace-of-mind. Self-hosted Mautic is fully customizable, from where you want to store your data to what plug-ins you want to implement on your site. Contact us to discuss your options.


Mautic Integrations

Chances are, your organization is already using a CRM or email marketing platform. Mautic supports over 20 integrations, letting you connect your marketing automation to tools you know and love, many which are free and open-source (FOSS).

Mautic has robust CRM and email capabilities built-in, yet integrates strongly with third-party solutions. With Mautic’s CRM integrations, you can set up automation triggers (e.g. form completed, points threshold) that sync sales-ready leads over to your CRM.

The email integrations let you a) set an external SMTP server to deliver Mautic emails or b) push Mautic contacts to a list on a standalone email platform.

Mautic integrations include:

  • CMS: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Typo3, Concrete5
  • CRM: Salesforce, SugarCRM, vTiger, HubSpot, Zoho CRM
  • Email: Mandrill, SendGrid, Amazon SES, MailChimp, iContact
  • Social: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+

For more details what each Mautic integration can do, contact a Mautic consultant.


A/B Tests
Automated Drip Marketing
Email Marketing
CRM Integration
Event Management
Landing Page & Form Creator
Contact Analysis
Contact Management
Contact Scoring
List Management
Smart Contact Capture Forms
Social Media Integration
Web Activity Monitoring
CMS Integration
Multiple Email Service Providers
eCommerce Integration
Self-Hosted Landing Pages
Self-Hosted Software
Price Range$0$895/month – $3,295+/month$199/month – $379/month$200/month – $2,400+/month$1,000/month – $3,000+/month$2,000/month – $3,000+/month
Setup & Training Fees$0$0$2,000$500 – $2,000$0$2,500
Limiting FactorNoneNumber of ContactsNumber of ContactsNumber of ContactsNumber of ContactsNumber of Contacts


Copyright 2024 LLC. is not affiliated with Mautic, we offer our runtime, technical support, development and programming services as well as consulting and training for the software.

Some images are by on Freepik.